
Director: Ives Rosenfeld • Brazil

Junior, a young player for an amateur soccer team, dreams of going pro. But his life is complicated: He squats with an alcoholic uncle, works a backbreaking job, and has a pregnant girlfriend. When Junior’s more talented best friend signs a contract with a professional team, he has trouble keeping his jealousy in check. With an aching social realism, Hopefuls conjures a raw sense of yearning for dreams that will remain unfulfilled.

Year: 2015
Language: Portugese
Subtitles: English
Run Time: 75 Min.
Festival Program: World Cinema, Cinema of the Americas
Official Website: https://www.facebook.com/aspiranteshopefuls

Official Trailer:

Program Partners:

51-SB-American 51-SB-Cantina 51-SB-Wansas